Machine Learning Algorithms


Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine Learning algorithms are the programs that can learn the hidden patterns from the data, predict the output, and improve the performance from experiences on their own. Different algorithms can be used in machine learning for different tasks, such as simple linear regression that can be used for prediction problems like stock market prediction, and the KNN algorithm can be used for classification problems.

In this topic, we will see the overview of some popular and most commonly used Machine Learning Algorithms along with their use cases and categories.


Types of Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine Learning Algorithm can be broadly classified into three types:

1.     Supervised Learning Algorithms

2.     Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

3.     Reinforcement Learning algorithm

The below diagram illustrates the different ML algorithm, along with the categories:

1.Supervised Machine Learning

Supervised learning is the types of machine learning in which machines are trained using well "labelled" training data, and on basis of that data, machines predict the output. The labelled data means some input data is already tagged with the correct output.

In supervised learning, the training data provided to the machines work as the supervisor that teaches the machines to predict the output correctly. It applies the same concept as a student learns in the supervision of the teacher.

Supervised learning is a process of providing input data as well as correct output data to the machine learning model. The aim of a supervised learning algorithm is to find a mapping function to map the input variable(x) with the output variable(y).

In the real-world, supervised learning can be used for Risk Assessment, Image classification, Fraud Detection, spam filtering, etc.

How Supervised Learning Works?

In supervised learning, models are trained using labelled dataset, where the model learns about each type of data. Once the training process is completed, the model is tested on the basis of test data (a subset of the training set), and then it predicts the output.

The working of Supervised learning can be easily understood by the below example and diagram:

Suppose we have a dataset of different types of shapes which includes square, rectangle, triangle, and Polygon. Now the first step is that we need to train the model for each shape.

  • If the given shape has four sides, and all the sides are equal, then it will be labelled as a Square.
  • If the given shape has three sides, then it will be labelled as a triangle.
  • If the given shape has six equal sides then it will be labelled as hexagon.

Now, after training, we test our model using the test set, and the task of the model is to identify the shape.

The machine is already trained on all types of shapes, and when it finds a new shape, it classifies the shape on the bases of a number of sides, and predicts the output.

Steps Involved in Supervised Learning:

  • First Determine the type of training dataset
  • Collect/Gather the labelled training data.
  • Split the training dataset into training dataset, test dataset, and validation dataset.
  • Determine the input features of the training dataset, which should have enough knowledge so that the model can accurately predict the output.
  • Determine the suitable algorithm for the model, such as support vector machine, decision tree, etc.
  • Execute the algorithm on the training dataset. Sometimes we need validation sets as the control parameters, which are the subset of training datasets.
  • Evaluate the accuracy of the model by providing the test set. If the model predicts the correct output, which means our model is accurate.

Types of supervised Machine learning Algorithms:

Supervised learning can be further divided into two types of problems:

1. Regression

Regression algorithms are used if there is a relationship between the input variable and the output variable. It is used for the prediction of continuous variables, such as Weather forecasting, Market Trends, etc. Below are some popular Regression algorithms which come under supervised learning:

  • Linear Regression
  • Regression Trees
  • Non-Linear Regression
  • Bayesian Linear Regression
  • Polynomial Regression

2. Classification

Classification algorithms are used when the output variable is categorical, which means there are two classes such as Yes-No, Male-Female, True-false, etc.

Spam Filtering,

  • Random Forest
  • Decision Trees
  • Logistic Regression
  • Support vector Machines

Advantages of Supervised learning:

  • With the help of supervised learning, the model can predict the output on the basis of prior experiences.
  • In supervised learning, we can have an exact idea about the classes of objects.
  • Supervised learning model helps us to solve various real-world problems such as fraud detection, spam filtering, etc.

Disadvantages of supervised learning:

  • Supervised learning models are not suitable for handling the complex tasks.
  • Supervised learning cannot predict the correct output if the test data is different from the training dataset.
  • Training required lots of computation times.
  • In supervised learning, we need enough knowledge about the classes of object.

2.Unsupervised Machine Learning

In the previous topic, we learned supervised machine learning in which models are trained using labeled data under the supervision of training data. But there may be many cases in which we do not have labeled data and need to find the hidden patterns from the given dataset. So, to solve such types of cases in machine learning, we need unsupervised learning techniques.

What is Unsupervised Learning?

As the name suggests, unsupervised learning is a machine learning technique in which models are not supervised using training dataset. Instead, models itself find the hidden patterns and insights from the given data. It can be compared to learning which takes place in the human brain while learning new things. It can be defined as:

Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning in which models are trained using unlabeled dataset and are allowed to act on that data without any supervision.

Unsupervised learning cannot be directly applied to a regression or classification problem because unlike supervised learning, we have the input data but no corresponding output data. The goal of unsupervised learning is to find the underlying structure of dataset, group that data according to similarities, and represent that dataset in a compressed format.

Example: Suppose the unsupervised learning algorithm is given an input dataset containing images of different types of cats and dogs. The algorithm is never trained upon the given dataset, which means it does not have any idea about the features of the dataset. The task of the unsupervised learning algorithm is to identify the image features on their own. Unsupervised learning algorithm will perform this task by clustering the image dataset into the groups according to similarities between images.

Why use Unsupervised Learning?

Below are some main reasons which describe the importance of Unsupervised Learning:

  • Unsupervised learning is helpful for finding useful insights from the data.
  • Unsupervised learning is much similar as a human learns to think by their own experiences, which makes it closer to the real AI.
  • Unsupervised learning works on unlabeled and uncategorized data which make unsupervised learning more important.
  • In real-world, we do not always have input data with the corresponding output so to solve such cases, we need unsupervised learning.

Working of Unsupervised Learning

Working of unsupervised learning can be understood by the below diagram:

Here, we have taken an unlabeled input data, which means it is not categorized and corresponding outputs are also not given. Now, this unlabeled input data is fed to the machine learning model in order to train it. Firstly, it will interpret the raw data to find the hidden patterns from the data and then will apply suitable algorithms such as k-means clustering, Decision tree, etc.

Once it applies the suitable algorithm, the algorithm divides the data objects into groups according to the similarities and difference between the objects.

Types of Unsupervised Learning Algorithm:

The unsupervised learning algorithm can be further categorized into two types of problems:

  • Clustering: Clustering is a method of grouping the objects into clusters such that objects with most similarities remains into a group and has less or no similarities with the objects of another group. Cluster analysis finds the commonalities between the data objects and categorizes them as per the presence and absence of those commonalities.
  • Association: An association rule is an unsupervised learning method which is used for finding the relationships between variables in the large database. It determines the set of items that occurs together in the dataset. Association rule makes marketing strategy more effective. Such as people who buy X item (suppose a bread) are also tend to purchase Y (Butter/Jam) item. A typical example of Association rule is Market Basket Analysis.

Unsupervised Learning algorithms:

Below is the list of some popular unsupervised learning algorithms:

  • K-means clustering
  • KNN (k-nearest neighbors)
  • Hierarchal clustering
  • Anomaly detection
  • Neural Networks
  • Principle Component Analysis
  • Independent Component Analysis
  • Apriori algorithm
  • Singular value decomposition

Advantages of Unsupervised Learning

  • Unsupervised learning is used for more complex tasks as compared to supervised learning because, in unsupervised learning, we don't have labeled input data.
  • Unsupervised learning is preferable as it is easy to get unlabeled data in comparison to labeled data.

Disadvantages of Unsupervised Learning

  • Unsupervised learning is intrinsically more difficult than supervised learning as it does not have corresponding output.
  • The result of the unsupervised learning algorithm might be less accurate as input data is not labeled, and algorithms do not know the exact output in advance.

3.Reinforcement Learning

  • Reinforcement Learning is a feedback-based Machine learning technique in which an agent learns to behave in an environment by performing the actions and seeing the results of actions. For each good action, the agent gets positive feedback, and for each bad action, the agent gets negative feedback or penalty.
  • In Reinforcement Learning, the agent learns automatically using feedbacks without any labeled data, unlike Supervised learning
  • Since there is no labeled data, so the agent is bound to learn by its experience only.
  • RL solves a specific type of problem where decision making is sequential, and the goal is long-term, such as game-playing, robotics, etc.
  • The agent interacts with the environment and explores it by itself. The primary goal of an agent in reinforcement learning is to improve the performance by getting the maximum positive rewards.
  • The agent learns with the process of hit and trial, and based on the experience, it learns to perform the task in a better way. Hence, we can say that "Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning method where an intelligent agent (computer program) interacts with the environment and learns to act within that." How a Robotic dog learns the movement of his arms is an example of Reinforcement learning.
  • It is a core part ofArtificial Learning, and all AI agent works on the concept of reinforcement learning. Here we do not need to pre-program the agent, as it learns from its own experience without any human intervention.
  • Example: Suppose there is an AI agent present within a maze environment, and his goal is to find the diamond. The agent interacts with the environment by performing some actions, and based on those actions, the state of the agent gets changed, and it also receives a reward or penalty as feedback.
  • The agent continues doing these three things (take action, change state/remain in the same state, and get feedback), and by doing these actions, he learns and explores the environment.
  • The agent learns that what actions lead to positive feedback or rewards and what actions lead to negative feedback penalty. As a positive reward, the agent gets a positive point, and as a penalty, it gets a negative point.

Terms used in Reinforcement Learning

  • Agent(): An entity that can perceive/explore the environment and act upon it.
  • Environment(): A situation in which an agent is present or surrounded by. In RL, we assume the stochastic environment, which means it is random in nature.
  • Action(): Actions are the moves taken by an agent within the environment.
  • State(): State is a situation returned by the environment after each action taken by the agent.
  • Reward(): A feedback returned to the agent from the environment to evaluate the action of the agent.
  • Policy(): Policy is a strategy applied by the agent for the next action based on the current state.
  • Value(): It is expected long-term retuned with the discount factor and opposite to the short-term reward.
  • Q-value(): It is mostly similar to the value, but it takes one additional parameter as a current action (a).

Key Features of Reinforcement Learning

  • In RL, the agent is not instructed about the environment and what actions need to be taken.
  • It is based on the hit and trial process.
  • The agent takes the next action and changes states according to the feedback of the previous action.
  • The agent may get a delayed reward.
  • The environment is stochastic, and the agent needs to explore it to reach to get the maximum positive rewards.

Approaches to implement Reinforcement Learning

There are mainly three ways to implement reinforcement-learning in ML, which are:

1.     Value-based:
The value-based approach is about to find the optimal value function, which is the maximum value at a state under any policy. Therefore, the agent expects the long-term return at any state(s) under policy π.

2.     Policy-based:
Policy-based approach is to find the optimal policy for the maximum future rewards without using the value function. In this approach, the agent tries to apply such a policy that the action performed in each step helps to maximize the future reward.
The policy-based approach has mainly two types of policy:

o    Deterministic: The same action is produced by the policy (π) at any state.

o    Stochastic: In this policy, probability determines the produced action.

3.     Model-based: In the model-based approach, a virtual model is created for the environment, and the agent explores that environment to learn it. There is no particular solution or algorithm for this approach because the model representation is different for each environment.

Elements of Reinforcement Learning

There are four main elements of Reinforcement Learning, which are given below:

1.     Policy

2.     Reward Signal

3.     Value Function

4.     Model of the environment

1) Policy: A policy can be defined as a way how an agent behaves at a given time. It maps the perceived states of the environment to the actions taken on those states. A policy is the core element of the RL as it alone can define the behavior of the agent. In some cases, it may be a simple function or a lookup table, whereas, for other cases, it may involve general computation as a search process. It could be deterministic or a stochastic policy:

For deterministic policy: a = π(s)
For stochastic policy: π(a | s) = P[At =a | St = s]

2) Reward Signal: The goal of reinforcement learning is defined by the reward signal. At each state, the environment sends an immediate signal to the learning agent, and this signal is known as a reward signal. These rewards are given according to the good and bad actions taken by the agent. The agent's main objective is to maximize the total number of rewards for good actions. The reward signal can change the policy, such as if an action selected by the agent leads to low reward, then the policy may change to select other actions in the future.

3) Value Function: The value function gives information about how good the situation and action are and how much reward an agent can expect. A reward indicates the immediate signal for each good and bad action, whereas a value function specifies the good state and action for the future. The value function depends on the reward as, without reward, there could be no value. The goal of estimating values is to achieve more rewards.

4) Model: The last element of reinforcement learning is the model, which mimics the behavior of the environment. With the help of the model, one can make inferences about how the environment will behave. Such as, if a state and an action are given, then a model can predict the next state and reward.

The model is used for planning, which means it provides a way to take a course of action by considering all future situations before actually experiencing those situations. The approaches for solving the RL problems with the help of the model are termed as the model-based approach. Comparatively, an approach without using a model is called a model-free approach.

List of Popular Machine Learning Algorithm

1.     Linear Regression Algorithm

2.     Logistic Regression Algorithm

3.     Decision Tree

4.     SVM

5.     Naïve Bayes

6.     KNN

7.     K-Means Clustering

8.     Random Forest

1. Linear Regression

Linear regression is one of the most popular and simple machine learning algorithms that is used for predictive analysis. Here, predictive analysis defines prediction of something, and linear regression makes predictions for continuous numbers such as salary, age, etc.

It shows the linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables, and shows how the dependent variable(y) changes according to the independent variable (x).

It tries to best fit a line between the dependent and independent variables, and this best fit line is knowns as the regression line.

The equation for the regression line is:

y= a0+ a*x+ b

Here, y= dependent variable

x= independent variable

a0 = Intercept of line.

Linear regression is further divided into two types:

  • Simple Linear Regression: In simple linear regression, a single independent variable is used to predict the value of the dependent variable.
  • Multiple Linear Regression: In multiple linear regression, more than one independent variables are used to predict the value of the dependent variable.

The below diagram shows the linear regression for prediction of weight according to height:

2. Logistic Regression

  • Logistic regression is one of the most popular Machine Learning algorithms, which comes under the Supervised Learning technique. It is used for predicting the categorical dependent variable using a given set of independent variables.
  • Logistic regression predicts the output of a categorical dependent variable. Therefore the outcome must be a categorical or discrete value. It can be either Yes or No, 0 or 1, true or False, etc. but instead of giving the exact value as 0 and 1, it gives the probabilistic values which lie between 0 and 1.
  • Logistic Regression is much similar to the Linear Regression except that how they are used. Linear Regression is used for solving Regression problems, whereas Logistic regression is used for solving the classification problems.
  • In Logistic regression, instead of fitting a regression line, we fit an "S" shaped logistic function, which predicts two maximum values (0 or 1).
  • The curve from the logistic function indicates the likelihood of something such as whether the cells are cancerous or not, a mouse is obese or not based on its weight, etc.
  • Logistic Regression is a significant machine learning algorithm because it has the ability to provide probabilities and classify new data using continuous and discrete datasets.
  • Logistic Regression can be used to classify the observations using different types of data and can easily determine the most effective variables used for the classification. The below image is showing the logistic function:

Logistic Function (Sigmoid Function):

  • The sigmoid function is a mathematical function used to map the predicted values to probabilities.
  • It maps any real value into another value within a range of 0 and 1.
  • The value of the logistic regression must be between 0 and 1, which cannot go beyond this limit, so it forms a curve like the "S" form. The S-form curve is called the Sigmoid function or the logistic function.
  • In logistic regression, we use the concept of the threshold value, which defines the probability of either 0 or 1. Such as values above the threshold value tends to 1, and a value below the threshold values tends to 0.

Assumptions for Logistic Regression:

  • The dependent variable must be categorical in nature.
  • The independent variable should not have multi-collinearity.

Type of Logistic Regression:

On the basis of the categories, Logistic Regression can be classified into three types:

  • Binomial: In binomial Logistic regression, there can be only two possible types of the dependent variables, such as 0 or 1, Pass or Fail, etc.
  • Multinomial: In multinomial Logistic regression, there can be 3 or more possible unordered types of the dependent variable, such as "cat", "dogs", or "sheep"
  • Ordinal: In ordinal Logistic regression, there can be 3 or more possible ordered types of dependent variables, such as "low", "Medium", or "High".

3.Decision Trees

  • Decision Tree is a Supervised learning technique that can be used for both classification and Regression problems, but mostly it is preferred for solving Classification problems. It is a tree-structured classifier, where internal nodes represent the features of a dataset, branches represent the decision rules and each leaf node represents the outcome.
  • In a Decision tree, there are two nodes, which are the Decision Node and Leaf Node. Decision nodes are used to make any decision and have multiple branches, whereas Leaf nodes are the output of those decisions and do not contain any further branches.
  • The decisions or the test are performed on the basis of features of the given dataset.
  • It is a graphical representation for getting all the possible solutions to a problem/decision based on given conditions.
  • It is called a decision tree because, similar to a tree, it starts with the root node, which expands on further branches and constructs a tree-like structure.
  • In order to build a tree, we use the CART algorithm, which stands for Classification and Regression Tree algorithm.
  • A decision tree simply asks a question, and based on the answer (Yes/No), it further split the tree into subtrees.
  • Below diagram explains the general structure of a decision tree:

Why use Decision Trees?

There are various algorithms in Machine learning, so choosing the best algorithm for the given dataset and problem is the main point to remember while creating a machine learning model. Below are the two reasons for using the Decision tree:

  • Decision Trees usually mimic human thinking ability while making a decision, so it is easy to understand.
  • The logic behind the decision tree can be easily understood because it shows a tree-like structure.

Decision Tree Terminologies

  Root Node: Root node is from where the decision tree starts. It represents the entire dataset, which further gets divided into two or more homogeneous sets.

  Leaf Node: Leaf nodes are the final output node, and the tree cannot be segregated further after getting a leaf node.

  Splitting: Splitting is the process of dividing the decision node/root node into sub-nodes according to the given conditions.

  Branch/Sub Tree: A tree formed by splitting the tree.

  Pruning: Pruning is the process of removing the unwanted branches from the tree.

  Parent/Child node: The root node of the tree is called the parent node, and other nodes are called the child nodes.


Support Vector Machine or SVM is one of the most popular Supervised Learning algorithms, which is used for Classification as well as Regression problems. However, primarily, it is used for Classification problems in Machine Learning.

The goal of the SVM algorithm is to create the best line or decision boundary that can segregate n-dimensional space into classes so that we can easily put the new data point in the correct category in the future. This best decision boundary is called a hyperplane.

SVM chooses the extreme points/vectors that help in creating the hyperplane. These extreme cases are called as support vectors, and hence algorithm is termed as Support Vector Machine. Consider the below diagram in which there are two different categories that are classified using a decision boundary or hyperplane:

Example: SVM can be understood with the example that we have used in the KNN classifier. Suppose we see a strange cat that also has some features of dogs, so if we want a model that can accurately identify whether it is a cat or dog, so such a model can be created by using the SVM algorithm. We will first train our model with lots of images of cats and dogs so that it can learn about different features of cats and dogs, and then we test it with this strange creature. So as support vector creates a decision boundary between these two data (cat and dog) and choose extreme cases (support vectors), it will see the extreme case of cat and dog. On the basis of the support vectors, it will classify it as a cat. Consider the below diagram:

SVM algorithm can be used for Face detection, image classification, text categorization, etc.

Types of SVM

SVM can be of two types:

  • Linear SVM: Linear SVM is used for linearly separable data, which means if a dataset can be classified into two classes by using a single straight line, then such data is termed as linearly separable data, and classifier is used called as Linear SVM classifier.
  • Non-linear SVM: Non-Linear SVM is used for non-linearly separated data, which means if a dataset cannot be classified by using a straight line, then such data is termed as non-linear data and classifier used is called as Non-linear SVM classifier.

5. Naïve Bayes Algorithm:

Naïve Bayes classifier is a supervised learning algorithm, which is used to make predictions based on the probability of the object. The algorithm named as Naïve Bayes as it is based on Bayes theorem, and follows the naïve assumption that says' variables are independent of each other.

The Bayes theorem is based on the conditional probability; it means the likelihood that event(A) will happen, when it is given that event(B) has already happened. The equation for Bayes theorem is given as:

Naïve Bayes classifier is one of the best classifiers that provide a good result for a given problem. It is easy to build a naïve bayesian model, and well suited for the huge amount of dataset. It is mostly used for text classification.



  • K-Nearest Neighbour is one of the simplest Machine Learning algorithms based on Supervised Learning technique.
  • K-NN algorithm assumes the similarity between the new case/data and available cases and put the new case into the category that is most similar to the available categories.
  • K-NN algorithm stores all the available data and classifies a new data point based on the similarity. This means when new data appears then it can be easily classified into a well suite category by using K- NN algorithm.
  • K-NN algorithm can be used for Regression as well as for Classification but mostly it is used for the Classification problems.
  • K-NN is a non-parametric algorithm, which means it does not make any assumption on underlying data.
  • It is also called a lazy learner algorithm because it does not learn from the training set immediately instead it stores the dataset and at the time of classification, it performs an action on the dataset.
  • KNN algorithm at the training phase just stores the dataset and when it gets new data, then it classifies that data into a category that is much similar to the new data.
  • Example: Suppose, we have an image of a creature that looks similar to cat and dog, but we want to know either it is a cat or dog. So for this identification, we can use the KNN algorithm, as it works on a similarity measure. Our KNN model will find the similar features of the new data set to the cats and dogs images and based on the most similar features it will put it in either cat or dog category.

7. K-Means Clustering

K-means clustering is one of the simplest unsupervised learning algorithms, which is used to solve the clustering problems. The datasets are grouped into K different clusters based on similarities and dissimilarities, it means, datasets with most of the commonalties remain in one cluster which has very less or no commonalities between other clusters. In K-means, K-refers to the number of clusters, and means refer to the averaging the dataset in order to find the centroid.

It is a centroid-based algorithm, and each cluster is associated with a centroid. This algorithm aims to reduce the distance between the data points and their centroids within a cluster.

This algorithm starts with a group of randomly selected centroids that form the clusters at starting and then perform the iterative process to optimize these centroids' positions.

It can be used for spam detection and filtering, identification of fake news, etc.


8. Random Forest Algorithm

Random forest is the supervised learning algorithm that can be used for both classification and regression problems in machine learning. It is an ensemble learning technique that provides the predictions by combining the multiple classifiers and improve the performance of the model.

It contains multiple decision trees for subsets of the given dataset, and find the average to improve the predictive accuracy of the model. A random-forest should contain 64-128 trees. The greater number of trees leads to higher accuracy of the algorithm.

To classify a new dataset or object, each tree gives the classification result and based on the majority votes, the algorithm predicts the final output.

Random forest is a fast algorithm, and can efficiently deal with the missing & incorrect data.

Conclusion :

Machine Learning can be a Supervised or Unsupervised. If you have lesser amount of data and clearly labelled data for training, opt for Supervised Learning. Unsupervised Learning would generally give better performance and results for large data sets. If you have a huge data set easily available, go for deep learning techniques. You also have learned Reinforcement Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning. You now know what Neural Networks are, their applications and limitations.

Finally, when it comes to the development of machine learning models of your own, you looked at the choices of various development languages, IDEs and Platforms. Next thing that you need to do is start learning and practicing each machine learning technique. The subject is vast, it means that there is width, but if you consider the depth, each topic can be learned in a few hours. Each topic is independent of each other. You need to take into consideration one topic at a time, learn it, practice it and implement the algorithm/s in it using a language choice of yours. This is the best way to start studying Machine Learning. Practicing one topic at a time, very soon you would acquire the width that is eventually required of a Machine Learning expert.


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